Deciding between the IB and AP programs can be a difficult choice to make for students. Each program has its unique merits and approach to advanced education. International Baccalaureate (IB) classes center around a holistic, global curriculum, nurturing students towards a comprehensive worldview. In...
AP offers one-year college-level courses and exams in high school, with the final assessment taking place in May. High school students can select in an “a la carte” manner from a menu of classes appropria...
IB and AP exams can be used to earn college credits. However, you’ll need to check if your preferred college(s) offer credits only for higher level (HL) IB classes or also for standard level (SL) classes. AP credits can count towards actual college classes, and exam scores of 3 and...
ive longed for love l ive made a living wit ive never been pre-ap ive never been to me ive only just been pa ive past the point in ive really had a good ive recently learned ive sung a lot of son ive tried to kill the ive turned to water l ive wait for you for iveheardsomuch...
Points of Comparison With IB and Progressive Education If you had to characterize AP and where it fits into the high school spectrum, consider AP the center. Then, on the left would be progressive education, and on the right would be the International Baccalaureate program. Advanced Placement co...
AP® and Advanced Placement® are registered trademarks of the College Board. Used with permission. International Baccalaureate (IB) data provided by International Baccalaureate of North America. Used with permission. My Fit Score Looking for your perfect college? Enter yo...
在亚洲的璀璨明珠——新加坡,有一个令人瞩目的教育殿堂,它不仅是莘莘学子追求卓越学术梦想的摇篮,更是通往世界顶级学府的黄金跳板。这里,便是以IB、AP、A-Level课程著称的新加坡教育机构,一个创造高分神话、孕育留学精英的梦幻之地。 在全球教育的浩瀚星空中,新加坡犹如一颗璀璨的明珠,以其卓越的教育体系和令人瞩目的...
“AP微积分” “IB数学” 领取幸运签原图 AP 大考幸运签 AP微积分 - AP Calculus 考试日期:5月9日 "Calculus is the most powerful weapon of thought yet devised by the wit of man." ——Wallace B. Smith 关键词:细心 微积分最重要的就是细心认真,只有缜密的计算,才能拿5分哦。
①IG在读,以及即将进入AP/AL/IB体系的经济学学生 ②对经济感兴趣,没学过经济学的学生也可报名,课后需要额外增加一些经济阅读 【科技阅读营】每周一期New Scientist最新issue导读,带领大家了解过去一周最新科技动态,领略人类科技智慧!!针对学生群体: ①12~16岁青少年,英国year 8以上年龄学生。
The mission statement of the IB reads as follows: “The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable, and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.” ...