When compared to an earlier study of 1000 patients who had face to face hypnotherapy at the clinic run by Professor Whorwell, the online treatment was only slightly less effective. Hypnotherapy, in combination with other treatments, has been shown to be aneffective treatmentfor patients with serio...
According to the NHS, adults with ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) may find they have problems with keeping things organised, time management, following instructions and focusing on completing tasks, coping with stress, feeling restless or impatient, impulsiveness and risk taking. Due to...
I show that the appeal of alternative medicine to women relates to the neglect of women’s health needs within scientific medicine. This is concerning because alternative medicine is severely limited in its therapeutic effects; therefore, those who choose alternative therapies...
There are several ways to reduce emissions, which include ending the use of nitrous oxide, desflurane and isoflurane immediately, though a combination of efficient use of the only other available alternative (sevoflurane), and switching to other modes of anaesthesia such as TIVA (total intravenous ...