–Campers have discovered what appears to be an ancient elephant skull at Elephant Butte Lake State Park.“State Parks and other agencies are investigating the find of what appears to be a tusk and skull of a prehistoric elephant,” said State Parks Director Tommy Mutz in a news release from...
As recently as February 3, 2014, at a session with students at the University of Hawai‘I School of Law, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia stated his belief that something like the wartime Japanese American incarceration could happen again. When asked about Fred’s World War II case, he r...
Humboldt State University CUNY Hunter College Hobart and William Smith Colleges International Christian University University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign Illinois State University University of Indianapolis Interamerican University of Puerto Rico San German campus Iona University Iowa State University Ithaca...
Since both the UC and CSU systems are public university systems, what you pay in tuition and fees will ultimately depend on whether you're a California resident or not. In-state tuition every year is $5,742 at CSU and $13,752 at UC. As you can see,CSU is far cheaper to attend tha...
Another time, during college at Humboldt, I was at the Laundromat (doing laundry of all things). While popping quarters into the dryer I realized I’d left my wallet on the change machine. I ran back to find my wallet gone, along with a man and two little kids that had also suddenly...
In 2016, the university president of the University of Marburg yielded to the pressure of the university’s women’s affairs officer and uninvited evolutionary biologist Ulrich Kutschera from a lecture series because of his critical views on gender ideology. Again at Humboldt-University in 2016, ...
Day in, and day out the South Dakota workforce continues to outwork most of the country. With the exception of Montana and Arizona residents who are working two and three times harder, the Rushmore State can boast a top-ten ranking for those who have increased their working hours. ...
Hildebrand, A.E. Parr, and W.C. Schroeder (Eds.), Fishes of the Western North Atlantic. Part 1. Sears Foundation for Marine Research, Yale University, New Haven (pp. 59–576) Setna, S.B. & Sarangdhar, P.N. (1949) Breeding habits of Bombay elasmobranchs. Records of the Indian ...
Eyes absent (EYA) proteins are unusual proteins combining in a single polypeptide chain transactivation, threonine phosphatase, and tyrosine phosphatase activities. They play pivotal roles in organogenesis and are involved in a variety of physiological a
von Humboldt (1769 –1859) defined climate as “all the changes in the atmosphere that perceptibly affect our organs”. But none could be called a climatologist, as that term came into use only well after World War II. At best the term ‘climate’ existed in the layman’s way. The ...