Besides being delicious, french fries and ice cream are also open compound words. Learn about the meaning of open compound words and look at examples. Compound Words When you hear the word 'hot dog' what comes to mind? You probably think about a food served on a bun and not your pet...
A 14. A 答案解析: 1. D. how to stay safe when floods happen 文章主要围绕洪水发生时的安全措施展开,因此D选项最符合文章主题。 2. C. nervous 在众人面前讲话时,人们通常会感到紧张,因此C选项最符合语境。 3. A. thousands of 国庆假期期间,道路上车辆众多,用“thousands of”表示数量众多更贴切。 4...
Sometimes, the two parts of compound words are joined without a 39 and look like one word. Other times, they are not joined.Also, they might not have the same meaning as the original(起初的) words. For example, “eggplant" has _40_ to do with eggs. A “hot dog” is not a dog....
grammatically, as a single unit. This type of compound noun is different from anoun phrasebecause one word isn’t acting as amodifierof another. You need to be careful with this type of compound noun as they may look identical to an instance of two separate words that aren’...
4.“hot dog” with the first element stressed means___. A. a dog which is hot B. a barking dog C. a kind of food D. a dead dog 5.There are ___morphemes in the word” frightening”. A. one B. two C. three D. four 6. In English, “-ate” and “dis-“ are called _...
B. a green hand, a black horse C. a green hand, a black horse??? D. a green hand, a black horse? Exercises 10. Sometimes, the meaning of a compound can be inferred from its separate elements, for example,??? .? A. hot dog ??? B. red meat??? C. flower pot??? D. fat...
hot days cold storage hot direct rolling hot display showcase hot dog ue hot dog only seventy- hot dogs and sandwich hot eggs in the pinka hot elevator hot eyes hot foil embossing hot galvanized hot gas hot gates hot ground surface hot hand hot house tomatoes hot hulb engine hot isostatic...
wdm stillimage- wdnr wdog watch dog wdp wireless datagram wdtrst wdv we accelerated we all had better pla we all known each oth we all need encourage we all need stories we all right we also found that we always uphold the we ambled inside we are a happy family we are a serious bank...
(2)CompoundsandphrasesCompoundFreephrasea'hotdogafat'doga'blackbirdablack'birda'blackhorseablack'horsea'greenroomagreen'room stress Sentencestressdiffersfromwordstressintwoways:(1)monosyllabicwordsmaytakesentencestress;Ilikeit.(2)polysyllabicwordsmayhavethestressonadifferentsyllablefromwhereitisinisolationorthey...
Nassa (n.) Any species of marine gastropods, of the genera Nassa, Tritia, and other allied genera of the family Nassidae; a dog whelk. See Illust. under Gastropoda. Nastily (adv.) In a nasty manner. Nastiness (n.) The quality or state of being nasty; extreme filthness; dirtiness; ...