Minecraft mobs are always changing depending on the biome and seed used but generally speaking they include animals like cows, pigs, and chickens; monsters such as zombies, skeletons, and creepers; hostiles like spiders, endermen and blazes; and more peaceful creatures such as villagers. All mob...
Prepare yourself for the inevitable downfall of modern civilization with the Apocalypse Survival Kit. Included in this folding apocalypse survival kit is everything you need to defend yourself from violent roaming gangs, zombies, and other hostiles. ...
This can help defend your Outpost from Spacers or other hostiles - such as mercenaries if you take the Wanted trait, and it gives the Outpost a nice Star Wars aesthetic that will make it quite pleasing. While this is the last item on the list, players may want to consider it earlier ...
One thing to keep in mind in the age ofcoronavirus: While live-action movies are shut down all over the world, production continues on animated movies, where it’s much easier to socially distance and work from home. If the pandemic continues for a long time, we might see a significant ...
Prepare yourself for the inevitable downfall of modern civilization with the Apocalypse Survival Kit. Included in this folding apocalypse survival kit is everything you need to defend yourself from violent roaming gangs, zombies, and other hostiles. ...