The tiny amount of pollen allergens that might make it into honey would be broken down by the honey-making process and a person’s stomach enzymes during digestion so “you would not ingest enough intact pollen for your immune system to start becoming desensitized to it,” AAFA explains. Heal...
Honey for acne Hydrogen peroxide and other bioactive compounds in honey give it potent antibacterial properties that can help prevent andtreat acneor other skin infections by inhibiting bacterial growth. Combine this with the mop-up-toxins and slough-off-dead-cells bits, and you’ll understand why...
Honey is a natural sweetener that has been used for centuries. It is made by bees from the nectar of flowers. Honey is a good source of carbohydrates and contains minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. Honey has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties and can help heal wounds. It also has...
And honey should not be given to young children, especially those under 12 months, because of the risk of botulism. On This PageHoney: Overview Why it is recommended Honey can help with the following: Infections Athletes Foot Raw honey rubbed on the infected areas before bedtime and left ov...
Wait, so is honey good or bad for mucus? I mean, it's pretty mucus-like itself, right? Well, despite it's own gooey texture, honey can actually be effective at breaking up mucus. In a World Health Organization (WHO) report on the treatment of upper respiratory infections for children,...
aPropolis is a natural substance used by honey bees to protect their hives against infections due to its unique antibiotic and antifungal properties. It also has anti-inflammatory and immune-supporting effects which are very useful against a number of ailments. Propolis是蜂蜜蜂用于的一种自然物质保护...
Compared to an over-the-counter cough suppressant or abstaining from treatment, parents found that honey was most helpful for relieving their children's nighttime coughing due to upper respiratory tract infections, per a December 2007 clinical trial published in theArchives of Pediatric and Adolesc...
根据第四段RobertGraham,aphysicianspecializinginintegrativemedicine,alsosaysthatmanukahoneycanbeusedinmedicalsettings."Thereisevidencefortheuseofmanukahoneyforproblemssuchasacuteburns,diabeticulcers(溃疡), andarterialulcers,"hetellsHealth."Particularlyforwounds,manukahoneypreventsinfections,speedsuphealing,andhasalso...
I am suffering badly from reaccurent yest and bacterial infections. I am not pregnant. I have been with my husband for 7 years. It seems that every time after I have sex, I get an infection and have to suffer for a week. This has been going on for 6 months now. My Dr's can no...
aPropolis is a natural substance used by honey bees to protect their hives against infections due to its unique antibiotic and antifungal properties. It also has anti-inflammatory and immune-supporting effects which are very useful against a number of ailments. Studies have shown that propolis’s ...