This is also not a concern using Get, as everything is in the same package and is fully compatible. 2- Flutter is easy, Flutter is incredible, but Flutter still has some boilerplate that may be unwanted for most developers, such as Navigator.of(context).push (context, builder [...]....
Adding broad support S3, MySQL or Hive should be a stroll in the park. (and feel free to send us a patch when you're done!) Date algebra included. Lots of unit tests of the most basic stuff It wouldn't be fair not to mention some limitations with the current design: Its focus is...
I don’t feel like my actions necessarily live up to my principles, nor do I feel like my principles are well thought-out. I credit twitter with a lot of learning, but in a lot of ways, it’s probably holding me back from thinking deeper. I often think about taking a break, ...
Humans enjoy friendly relations with all races, but when crossed they can become bitter enemies. While they pride themselves on diplomacy and honor, the Humans will fight to the death to protect what they believe in. 36 Klackon Tireless, Uncreative, Hive-Minded Traits INDUSTRIALIST. ...
Just like shortcuts, Live Templates can make your life a lot easier by generating tons of boring boilerplate code in a jiffy. Android Studio comes pre-loaded with a lot of these templates and here is a collection of some of the best ones for you to get started. ...
You can create your custom theme and simply add it within Get.changeTheme without any boilerplate for that:Get.changeTheme(ThemeData.light());If you want to create something like a button that changes the Theme in onTap, you can combine two GetX™ APIs for that:...