The Holy Sword Is Here!: Directed by Kenichi Matsuzawa, Tetsuya Yanagisawa. With Jamie Marchi, Lauren Allison, Azumi Asakura, Jessica Cavanagh. Issei gets another warning about the white dragon, and church followers bearing Holy Swords pay a visit to the
A Girl's Heart is Complicated: Directed by Tôru Kitahata, Takahiro Majima, Yoshifumi Sueda. With Azumi Asakura, Bradley Campbell, Leah Clark, Hayden Daviau. The Gremory family is now in full training mode for the upcoming Rating Game. However, Issei h
we are surprised by what we get to the point that we question, “how is this not hentai?!” Common examples of the latter point would be shows like High School DxD, Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou, and Motto To Love-Ru. After the events of the OVA, Rito...
with a red hair that’s not just red, but sore red. It’s the kind of red that you don’t wear to your workplace because it’s too attention-grabbing. The guys are also all handsome. While the designs are appealing, few are distinct. Yona is beautiful, but that’s expected from ...