Is QA boy or a girl BSD? In the same way that Edgar Allan Poe inspired Ranpo Edogawa in real life, H. P. Lovecraft inspired Kyūsaku Yumeno in real life.Q's gender is not specified in canon. Can Fyodor touch people? Fyodor is not able to control his abilityand his ability reacts ...
Heidi: Girl of the Alps Helena Azur Lane Henrietta Gunslinger Girl Henriette Mystere Tantei Opera Milky Holmes Hercule Burton Tantei Opera Milky Holmes Heris Ardebit Promare Hestia Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru no Darou ka 177 Hibana Fire Force 228 Hibiki Ganaha The Idolm@ster ...