每次聽Josquin的Missa Hercules Dux Ferrariae 都像感受到中世紀之秋和文藝復興的精神,那位費拉拿公爵,作為品味高尚又狂妄自大的君主,賞識歐洲最偉大的音樂家,要將自己的名字以音符的方式加在彌撒曲之中,好樣他的名字能在永恆的藝術中留傳萬世。他人性的另一面,一個在死亡面前毫不足道的生命,卻希望借此在彌撒曲中...
176. The joy of Hercules 177. There are cracks in everything 178. Integrity and uncertainty 179. About the overall design of groups and enterprises and so on 180. Tiger, ecology and regularity 181. Natural real panda beauty or artificial plush fake panda beauty? 182. About Zheng Zhenduo's...
Marking Time (The Immortal Descendants #1) White, Connor Pirate Who's Back in Bunny Slippers, The White, Elle Katharine Heartstone (Heartstone #1) White, J.A. Nightbooks Whitehead, Colson Underground Railroad, The Whitmer, Megan Between Wild, Clarissa Stalker (Stalker, #1) Wilde, Amel...
Then we found one last dragon crouched beneath a tree, a young adult male, no longer in danger of the antlers of a buck or the tusks of some boar or his parents’ teeth, a newly christened apex predator, his only worry the fangs of rivals should he hazard attempts at romance. He s...
By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (Saturday Night Post) Journalist and book author Michael Snyder predicts, “Judgment is coming for America.” Snyder lays out his case in his new book called “Lost Prophecies of the Future of America.” Snyder says, “Y
you will have to forget yourself; you will have to serve your friends; you will have to serve the people of Greece; but if you will take this path and pursue it, although it may bring to you much toil and privation and many sacrifices, you shall become immortal.' Hercules asked: 'Wha...
you will have to forget yourself; you will have to serve your friends; you will have to serve the people of Greece; but if you will take this path and pursue it, although it may bring to you much toil and privation and many sacrifices, you shall become immortal.' Hercules asked: 'Wha...
After that was done, Perseus returned his magical gifts and gave Medusa's head as an offering to Athena. Athena took a lock of Medusa's hair and gave it to the Greek hero Heracles (often known as Hercules). Although the lock of hair didn't have the power to turn people to stone, ...
Achilles was all-powerful except in his heel. The story tells us that even a small or seemingly insignificant flaw can prove fatal and stop us from achieving our goals. Similarly, the myth of Hercules reveals the value of loyalty, strength of character and honour. ...
Than I to Hercules. Hamlet (1601) act 1, sc. 2, l. 152 (Oxford Standard Authors ed.) It is not, nor it cannot come to good;But break, my heart, for I must hold my tongue! Hamlet (1601) act 1, sc. 2, l. 158 (Oxford Standard Authors ed.) A truant disposition, good my ...