Vaccine for hepatitis A is availableReports on US Food and Drug Administration's approval of Havrix, a vaccine against hepatitis A virus. Vaccination recommendation.Mayo Clinic Health Letter
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There is a vaccine for hepatitis A (see below, vaccine and prevention). If you have been exposed to someone who is infected with HAV, a treatment called immune serum globulin is available and may prevent you from becoming infected. Immune serum globulin is more likely to be effective when g...
Hepatitis A This is a short-term infection and most patients recover without treatment within about 2 months It can be prevented with a vaccine The hepatitis A virus can be transmitted through sexual activity with an infected person, particularly men who have sex with other men, and people who...
The HBV vaccine and hepatitis B immunoglobulin (antibody) given at birth to infants born to HBV/HDV-infected mothers can prevent HBV and HDV transmission. The HBV vaccine is also recommended for sexual and household contacts of people with HDV infection who have not previously received the HBV ...
Hepatitis A Vaccine What is the hepatitis A vaccine? Hepatitis A Prevention How is hepatitis A prevented? Thehepatitis A virusorHAVis one of the fivetypes of hepatitisviruses that infects the liver and causes inflammation. It is a highly infectious virus belonging to the picornavirus group of en...
(b) Name the source used to produce hepatitis B vaccine rDNA technology. View Solution The hepatitis-B vaccine has been produced on a large scale through View Solution View Solution View Solution View Solution Exams IIT JEE NEET UP Board ...
Hepatitis C is liver inflammation and damage caused by infection with the hepatitis C virus. Hep C can cause a mild illness that lasts a short time (acute) or a serious illness that can last the rest of your life (chronic). Chronic hepatitis C infection can cause long-term damage to you...
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Hepatitis C is liver inflammation and damage caused by infection with the hepatitis C virus. Hep C can cause a mild illness that lasts a short time (acute) or a serious illness that can last the rest of your life (chronic). Chronic hepatitis C infection can cause long-term damage to you...