Is hemophilia autosomal recessive or dominant?Autosomal versus Sex Chromosomes:There are two types of chromosomes in many types of eukaryotic organisms, autosomes and sex chromosomes. Autosomes are body chromosomes and do not play a role in sex determination, whereas sex chromosomes do....
Learn more about this topic: Heterozygous | Definition, Examples & Mutation from Chapter 11 / Lesson 14 145K In this lesson, learn the heterozygous genotype definition, see if heterozygous is dominant, recessive, or both, and learn what ...
Hemophilia is caused by a recessive allele on the X chromosome. Suppose a healthy man marries a healthy woman whose mother had hemophilia, what is the probability that their child will have hemophilia? If a man is heterozygous for the autoso...
There are blood, urine and other tests which show promise in detecting more than 100genetic diseases, including cystic fibrosis, hemophilia and some forms of muscular dystro-phy(先天愚型患者 ). Researchers are also detecting genetic defects even before a child is born."Intrauter-ine detection (...
In the overall meta-analysis, the results suggested a significant association between the SDF-1 rs1801157 polymorphism and cancer susceptibility in the recessive model (AA vs. AG + GG, OR: 1.28, 95% CI: 1.11–1.47, P = 0.001), a co-dominant model (AA vs. GG, OR: 1.43, ...
有限空间是指封闭或者部分封闭,与外界相对隔离,出入口较为狭窄,作业人员不能长时间在内工作,自然通风不良,易造成有毒有害、易燃易爆物质积聚或者氧含量不足的空间,根据《工贸企业有限空间作业安全管理与监督暂行规定》,关于有限空间作业安全保障的说法,正确的是( )。
2,3 Severe factor XI deficiency, also known as hemophilia C, is reported to have prevalence of 1:450 within the Ashkenazi Jewish community as compared with a 1:106 worldwide.4 More modest factor XI deficiency, some of which may be autosomal dominant, has been estimated to be more common ...
If the potentially harmful gene is recessive(后退的), then its normal counterpart(配对的) will carry out all the tasks assigned to both. Only if we inherit from our parents two copies of the same recessive gene will a disease develop. On the other hand, if the gene is dominant(显性的)...
已知矩阵A=与矩阵B=相似,则x,y的取值分别是( )。
“People assume that animals should avoid mating with a relative when given the chance,” says Raïssa de Boer, researcher in zoology at Stockholm University. “But evolutionary theory has been telling us that animals should tolerate, or even prefer, mating with relatives under a broad range of...