Beyond the distinction between discrete and continuous data, quantitative data can also be broken down into several different types: Measurements: This type of data refers to the measurement of physical objects. For example, you might measure the length and width of your living room before ordering...
Quantitative data is data that can be counted or measured in numerical values. The two main types of quantitative data are discrete data and continuous data. Height in feet, age in years, and weight in pounds are examples of quantitative data. ...
Is octane (85, 87, 89, 91) a) qualitative or quantitative? b) discrete or continuous? Is whether you own a Panasonic television set a qualitative or quantitative variable? If it is quantitative, would it be discrete or continuous? What level of data is defined as named, labe...
Quantitativevariablescanbeclassifiedaseitherdiscreteorcontinuous.A.Discretevariables:canonlyassumecertainvaluesandthereareusually“gaps”betweenvalues.EXAMPLE:thenumberofbedroomsinahouse,orthenumberofhammerssoldatthelocalHomeDepot(1,2,3,…,etc).B.Continuousvariablecanassumeanyvaluewithina specifiedrange.EXAMPLE:The...
Create a quantitative survey now Get Started Free Quantitative Data Types with Examples There are two maintypes of quantitative data. They are: Discrete Continuous In simple terms, Discrete data is countable and Continuous data is measurable. Let’s explore the two types of data in detail. ...
Quantitative variables are classified as either discrete or continuous and we can distinguish them based on the minimum size of the unit of measurement. For a discrete variable, the minimum-sized unit is one and cannot be subdivided further. On the other hand, the co...
Continuous:The opposite of discrete data, continuous data is information that can take on any value, including fractions and decimals. Things like height, weight, temperature, speed, and time are all examples continuous data. Discrete and continuous data are quantitative, while nominal and ordinal ...
I anticipate two sets of R users may find these data useful. First, instructors may find these data useful for classes on a variety of topics, but prominently quantitative methods and international relations. Many of the toy data sets included in this R package are data I’ve acquired or ...
aTo the best of our knowledge this is the first attempt to study multiobjective optimization of a shell-and-tube heat exchanger with area and pumping power as objective variables, in addition to providing quantitative results useful for understanding the impact of using continuous or discrete standar...
variables, the median cannot be computed for categorical data measured with the nominal scale, machine learning techniques like linear regression can not have any categorical variable as the independent or dependent variables, logistic regression cannot have continuous va...