What is another word forchucklehead? Needsynonyms for chucklehead? Here's a list ofsimilar wordsfrom ourthesaurusthat you can use instead. Contexts A stupid or clumsy person A dim-witted and clumsy person, resembling a small freshwater fish ...
bighead释义:someone who thinks that they are more important or cleverer than they really are自命不凡的人例句:He's always boasting. He's such a bighead!他老是吹牛。真是个自负的家伙!bigheaded释义:thinking that you are more important ...
The beloved may be treacherous, greasy-headed, and given to evil habits. Yes, and the lover may see this as dearly as anyone else -- but that does not affect the evolution of his love one whit. A most mediocre person can be the object of a love which is wild, extravagant, and beau...
noun Slang. a person who is tough, practical, and unsentimental, especially in business: We need a hard-nose to run the department.
Bigheaded is a valid Scrabble word. Bigheaded is a word starting with b ending with d. Check our list ofwords starting with b ending with d. Dictionary definition of the word bigheaded The meaning of bigheaded bigheaded 1 definition of the word bigheaded. ...
III.For each of the underlined constructions or word groups, do the following. —State whether it is headed or non-headed. —If headed, state its headword. —Name the type of constructions. e.g.: His sonwill be keenly competing.
(non-headed, independent clause) (b) The ladderin the shedis long enough. (non-headed, prepositional phrase) (c) I saw a bridgedamaged beyond repair. (headed; headword—damaged; adjectival group) (d)Singing hymnsis forbidden in some countries. (headed; headword—singing; gerundial phrase) ...
spindleextension spindlemoment spindlepicker spindlespeedfunction spine headed worms spine support spineespecially spine spinks spinnakers spinning motion spinning pain spike spinningchuck spinningcottonthreads spinningfacebuster spinoff spinon spinosaurus aegyptiac spinous cell epitheli spiraea salicifolia l spiral...
and he who loves weed and he would preserve and headed out and helec of whom is and hell pass the car and henceforth you kn and her courage and h and her platinum jewe and her smile and hezekiah was glad and high hardware con and him your fear and and his outstanding s and his re...
Interestingly,is frequently used for, and retains the plural construction. English speakers have somehow decided that the two-headedis a single muscle but the four-headedis four muscles—a distinction that is more logical linguistically than anatomically. ...