Yes,heartedis in the scrabble dictionary ...and is worth10points by itself. find more words you can make below Hearted Definition Having, orshapedlike, aspecifiedformofheart. from the English-language Wiktionary Havingaespeciallyof aspecifiedkind. ...
hatred10 hatted10 hatter9 header10 heated10 heater9 hereat9 rachet11 ratted7 redact9 redate7 reheat9 retted7 tarted7 teared7 teated7 teched12 tercet8 tether9 tetrad7 thecae11 thread10 threat9 traced9 1 Anagram of Chattered Anagrams are words that use the same letters as other words, but...
verbSimple past tense and past participle of slather. from the English-language WiktionaryFind More Words! Wildcard(?) letters appear in REDHere are some other words you could make with the letters SLATHERED, you can alsouse this lookup tool to help you find words with our scrabble word ...
we speak of a noun phrase (e.g. all those beautiful houses built in the sixties). If the head is a verb, the phrase is a verb phrase. In the following sentence, the
What is the difference between mean and hateful? As adjectives the difference between hateful and mean is thathateful is evoking a feeling of hatredwhile mean is (obsolete) common; general or mean can be having the mean (see noun below ) as its value....
Verb Hide in the earth like a hunted animal Connect to the earth Noun The 3rd planet from the sun; the planet we live on The loose soft material that makes up a large part of the land surface The solid part of the earth's surface The abode of mortals (as contrasted with Heaven or ...
Verb Gather, as of natural products Remove from a culture or a living or dead body, as for the purposes of transplantationWhat Scrabble words can I make with the letters in harvested? 8 Letter Words headrest12 reshaved15 7 Letter Words adheres11 adverse11 adverts11 aethers10 averted11 dearest...
On (prep.) Forward, in progression; onward; -- usually with a verb of motion; as, move on; go on. On (prep.) Forward, in succession; as, from father to son, from the son to the grandson, and so on. On (prep.) In continuance; without interruption or ceasing; as, sleep on, ...
auto desprecio self-hatred despreciáramos 更多(+48) 添加示例 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“despreciaríais"翻译成 英文 变形 干 Carezco de paciencia para soportar esas tonterías; despreciaríais en un banquero la estupidez que esperáis de nosotras. You would despise in a common banker the ...
切骨之仇 qiè gǔ zhī chóu bitter hatred; hatred that cuts to the bone 刑名之学 xíng míng zhī xué criminal law, pre-Han legalist school 刻意为之 kè yì wéi zhī to make a conscious effort; to do something deliberately 十之八九 shí zhī bā jiǔ most likely; mostly (in 8...