Is Harvard Worth It_译文读哈佛值得吗? 普通的看法说值得。但是自美国最著名的大学和其它名牌私立大学获得学位的价格超过125000美元后,很多家庭和一些经济学家不再如此确定。下面是一些相关的证据。 对美国的中学高年级学生来说,4月是最残酷的月份。因为那时,在大学新生班级获得一席之位的消息将充斥了整个邮政系统...
IsHarvardWorthIt?Conventionalwisdomsaysyes.Butwiththeprice ofadegreefromAmerica'smostfamousuniversityand othereliteprivatecollegesnowsurpassing$125,000,manyfamilies--andanumberofeconomists--aren'tsosure.Here'salookattheevidence.ByJeremyKahn ChoiceofUniversity Whatisthispassageconcerned?A:Thisarticledealswitha...
Is Harvard Worth It? Conventional wisdom says yes. But with the price of a degree from America’s most famous university and other elite private colleges now surpassing $125,000, many families—and a number of economists—aren’t so sure. Here’s a look at the evidence. By Jeremy Kahn F...
会计学1 IsHarvardWorthIt Para1:ArousingthePara1:Arousingthe questionquestion Q:WhatquestiondoesQ:Whatquestiondoes theauthorraisehere?theauthorraisehere? A:WhetheritisworthA:Whetheritisworth paying$125,000togivepaying$125,000togive childrenaneducationatanchildrenaneducationatan eliteprivateUniversity?elite...
Is Harvard Worth It培训讲义.ppt,Useful words and phrases 1. to be stuffed with Ivy Leaguers 2. to control for unobserved characteristics/traits 3. to be admitted to a certain university 4. to attribute the ability to network 5. to specialize in economics
Is Harvard Worth It?It?IsHarvardWorthIt?Background IsHarvardWorthIt?Conventionalwisdomsaysyes.ButwiththepriceofadegreefromAmerica'smostfamousuniversityandothereliteprivatecollegesnowsurpassing$125,000,manyfamilies--andanumberofeconomists--aren'tsosure.Foryears,economistshavewrestledwiththequestionofwhetherthe...
The advantages of Harvard,in other words,confer few benefits on the class slacker. Robert Zemsky,an education professor at the University of Pennsylvania, who believes a prestigious undergraduate degree does pay off,puts it this way:"It’s like the brass ring on a merry-go-round. If you...
One idea I have is that we're starting to see it a little bit with MOOCs but there's no reason that you can't take a class at any other university via video from your university. So example, if you go to UCLA, you can take art classes from Harvard or somewhere else. I think ...
though it took one year for him tolearn how to use chopsticks. "可知B正确。4.D根据第三段中“Now, that same boy has graduated fromPeking University and is a student at Harvard. "可知D正确。5.A 根据第三段中“In Ding's eyes, his mother is hismentor."可知A正确。
Like I have one idea. One idea I have is that we're starting to see it a little bit with MOOCs but there's no reason that you can't take a class at any other university via video from your university. So example, if you go to UCLA, you can take art classes from Harvard or so...