First up is NJ Carter’s ‘Safe House Party’ looks great and is totally my vibe. It’ll be in Brentford on December 2nd and tickets are a fiver. All profits go to War Child. Second is this event from BIMA x Good Shout: ‘Why Maternity is an EVERYONE issue’ on Dec 5th. Amy has...
and even more so since touring pear, apple, cherry, and blueberry farms in Oregon’s Hood River Valley and seeing firsthand the effort it takes to produce safe and healthy food. After a few days in this beautiful part of the country, ...
社区地位、影响力或关注度不同往往导致不同人在社区做出相同贡献受到不同待遇(例如sakupen hell、sakupen circles都为top1,关注度极高),简而言之即为“神化”,而这与公知鼓吹的“西方世界人人平等”形成了鲜明对比,笔者认为一个典型的例子就是Bo Burnham:Make Happy所提到的country music现象;其二在于社区总会有...
thesafebot 一个利用 telegram 存储功能实现额外加密的云存储服务 MyTeleCloudBot 另一个云存储服务,没有额外加密,不过功能还行 topdf_bot 转换文件为 PDF 格式 ss Instasave_bot 用来下载 instagram 的 bot my_ali_bot 用来在 AliExpress 上购物 TrustedSleepBot 可信睡眠机器人 ddoc_bot DDOS 攻击器 storebot 机...
Now, all versions of Windows Server 2022 Datacenter: Azure Edition on Azure and Azure Stack HCI can enable Hotpatching! This marks our continued investment in ensuring that Azure is the best destination to run Windows Server, with many capabilities to optimize your...
thesafebot 一个利用 telegram 存储功能实现额外加密的云存储服务 MyTeleCloudBot 另一个云存储服务,没有额外加密,不过功能还行 topdf_bot 转换文件为 PDF 格式 ss Instasave_bot 用来下载 instagram 的 bot my_ali_bot 用来在 AliExpress 上购物 TrustedSleepBot 可信睡眠机器人 ddoc_bot DDOS 攻击器 storebot 机...
Anyone can model the energy supplies of a finite world as a bucket of sand and a scooper. If the scooper is used to remove the sand from the bucket, it will eventually become empty. If we start with a larger bucket of sand, perhaps the process can be delayed. Or...
Penyimpanan : Safe deposit bank : bukan jaminan aman, di luar negeri sudah sering terjadi kasus safe deposit box yang lenyap. Penyimpanan : Rumah : ukuran emas memang kecil sehingga mudah disembunyikan, namun jangan sampai lupa tempatnya. Keberadaan emas di rumah juga bisa membahayakan penghun...
We give thanks for those who continue to serve and protect us, putting their lives on the line to keep us safe. We also give thanks for the work of the Royal British Legion, who, for over a hundred years, have raised money to support veterans, and to keep alive the memory of those...
All of the services and platform via which any PC (or most devices of any kind for that matter) can be accessed, manipulated, and controlled without an end...