Our studies are carried out, using biotechnological approaches for the propagation, conservation, and rational use of cacti species, as well as for the investigation of natural products derived from succulent plants as a source of bioactive metabolites with potential applications in pharmaceutical and co...
I carried around a little dictionary to look up unfamiliar characters in, but it's almost impossible to look up a character in a Chinese dictionary while walking along a crowded street (more on dictionary look-up later), and so I didn't get nearly as much phonetic reinforcement as I got...
the suitcase was carried and parting gifts stowed away in the checked baggage despite their bulk. For the longest time, a purse that showed the different neighbourhoods of a bumpy city where one had gone during undulating quirks of fate was carried everywhere...
there’s a catch. Her Hebrew name, Malka, means “Queen.” And though it’s customary to give babies a hyphenated Hebrew name, Gabi and I decided not to pick her second Hebrew name. One day, Anna will decide, for herself, what she aspires to be the Queen of. ...
noun. apack or knapsack, often of canvas or nylon, to be carried on one's back, sometimes supported on a lightweight metal frame strapped to the body. a piece of equipment designed to be used while being carried on the back. What is backpack in parts of speech?
U.S. Marines carried out Operation Swift beginning Sept. 4, 1967, in order to free two Marine companies that had been waylaid by the Peoples Army of Vietnam. The rescue mission, involving three 5th Marine Regiment battallions up against bigger forces of NVA and Viet Cong, took place in ...
While my daughter walked out to the coop to retrieve Aliphine, my son packed an ear of corn, a wedge of watermelon, and a fistful of blueberries—all of the chicken’s favorite foods—and carried them to the van. Aliphine sat quietly in my daughter’s lap for the drive, each one ...
42. The bride who adopts a hyphenated last name after marriage can maintain connections with their past achievements. 43. Hyphenating names allows the bride to preserve her own identity while respecting tradition. 44. No matter what name the bride adopts, it is most important that the newly we...
simply because there has to be some correspondence between sound and spelling. One might forget whether "abracadabra" is hyphenated or not, or get the last few letters wrong on "rhinoceros", but even the poorest of spellers can make a reasonable stab at almost anything. By contrast, often ...
Further, if the preparation (extraction, clean-up, etcetera) of the samples has not carefully been carried out, even the most advanced analytical instruments and sophisticated computer techniques cannot prevent that the final analysis results are questionable. Nevertheless, new generations of analytical...