Because Framesi is a spray, it doesn’t have any of THESE ingredients, but I don’t know if those are toxic elements particular to hairspray. We are including this in our hair spray / product investigation which is right after the next one Mamavation is doing. Reply Anonymous May 14, ...
Sometimes it feels so random, even bizarre, the things that stick in my crawl: the outfit I wore on the first day of 7th grade, the distinct grape smell of Aussie Sprunch Hairspray, the notes and fingerings required to play “Louie Louie” on the mellophone. I remember bits and pieces...
Enjoy this little flashback from the era of neon, hairspray, and the original Mom jeans. In high school, I was basically a “good kid.” Band geek. Got good grades, never caused trouble. You wouldn’t catch me in detention unless I was tutoring a fellow classmate in algebra. But ...
A coffee in one hand and an extra-large can of extreme-hold hairspray in the other. It stirs up connotations of a once-was, or even worse, a never-was dancer way past her prime beaming on stage left, clapping emphatically and slightly maniacally for her daughter. It stirs up images of...
I feel bad though, knowing that their food is getting cold so I inhale the food as fast as I can. I don't actually taste it. I finish as fast as possible and take the kids back from whomever's food is getting cold. Finally, it is over. Receipts have been signed an...