I dropped out of college after Google SoC, because I had work that paid me to learn. 然后就在微博上大发感慨说:“突发奇想:等我搞定Google Summer of Code(不管最终结果如何),我就写一篇文章:什么叫做pay me to learn!”,事实上,估计我写的东西没有多少人会看。不过既然说了就要做到!好吧,接下来将...
I dropped out of college after Google SoC, because I had work that paid me to learn. 然後就在微博上大發感慨說:“突發奇想:等我搞定Google Summer of Code(不管最終結果如何),我就寫一篇文章:什麼叫做pay me to learn!”,事實上,估計我寫的東西沒有多少人會看。不過既然說了就要做到!好吧,接下來將...
Do something interesting - and math related - over summer. This is a great concept and if you (or your students) are under 18, there is still scope to do something like this in your local area. You can propose your own coding project for Google's Summer of Code - and get paid for ...
It's just like Google Summer of Code but with offering different funding levels based upon the complexity of the project -- funding options are 12000 RMB, 9000 RMB, or 6000 RMB. That's roughly $932 to $1,865 USD for students to devote their summer to working on open-source. There are...
Near as I can figure out, the first Microsoft employee to have his blog hosted by the company was the Mighty Don Box, who originally created his home-grown Spoutlet application on www.gotdotnet.com in the summer of 2002. A candid blog, refreshingly named....
In 2022, Google paid $5.4 million in property taxes, seven times more than Union Pacific, the county’s second-largest taxpayer. When the tax breaks on Google’s expansions end in the 2030s, the company could be paying as much as a third of The Dalles’ current $90 million annual ...
[325星][10m] [C#] ghostpack/sharpdump SharpDump is a C# port of PowerSploit's Out-Minidump.ps1 functionality. [322星][1y] [Shell] 1n3/goohak Automatically Launch Google Hacking Queries Against A Target Domain [318星][22d] [Py] codingo/interlace Easily turn single threaded command line...
The Chinese immersion environment was extremely helpful in improving their listening and speaking skills. The curriculum was well structured and made learning a lot of fun. - Former camper’s parent, from HKSAR The summer cam...
Relevance of Past Internship (or Work) ExperienceIf you do not have those things in place, no certification will help you, so prioritize those first. However, when those other elements are in place, the certification can help “round out” the profile. ...
So far, little attention has been paid to the possible role of the winds in damping IW energy. However, recent studies have shown that the wind can damp energetic oceanic features through current feedback on winds (CFB). At low frequencies, the wind stress provides an energy sink for ...