Since an update in 2019, Telegram has allowed users to delete messages sent by other users, across all devices. It’s a somewhat divisive feature. Having your messages deleted by someone else doesn’t feel very good. But if your conversation is between you and a person you trust, it’s ... When we need to insert img in HTML, is it safe to use Google Drive to link our images? srccloudimggoogledrivesafe? 29th Dec 2018, 9:44 AM Muhd Khairul Amirin 5 Antworten Antworten ...
Google search history; Google Maps search history (locations, GPS coordinates); YouTube videos; Porn site visits. Also the date and time of users’ visits to sites like YouPorn and PornHub could be determined using the collected data, and in some cases even search-keywords and videos watched...
Adjust your privacy settings to enableTwo-Factor Authenticationand use the “My Eyes Only” feature. Control who can see your stories. Only allow friends to contact you. Hide yourself from Quick Add. Keep Snapchat up-to-date. Don’t upload photos or send messages you really want to keep ...
If reloading the page didn’t fix the issue, you may consider opening the page from another browser. The issue may be specific to the browser you are using and the page might open properly from another one. For instance, if you’ve been using Google Chrome so far, try to open the pag...
※Information in this FAQ might not be applied to all series of phone/pad products. Part of options/screenshots or operation procedures may vary from different versions of software.Smark Lock function can keep your device unlock whe it's safe with you., such as in your pocket or near your...
They use flattering messages and suggestive language as bait to engage the users in conversation. Once the scammer gains their victim’s trust, they suggest shifting the conversation to a different platform, such as Google Chat. On this new platform, the conversation will often take a more expli...
Knowing what is Safe Mode on my phone can be pretty useful in a lot of situations. It helps you weed out which third-party apps are causing issues on your phone. You can also use it to assess the health of your battery and determine if you need a replacement soon. Overall, it’s ...
Widgetsmith is entirely safe to use. The developer, David Smith, is well-known, and the app has been featured by Apple and other trusted publications, so you can install it without worrying about malware. However, I do recommend that you take some steps to prevent the installation of malicio...
WhatsApp allows you to back up your messages and media on Android (Google Drive) and iOS (iCloud). This is an essential feature as it allows you torecover accidentally deleted WhatsApp messages. There is a local backup on your device in addition to a cloud-based backup. These backups co...