Below is a list of regions where the broker is not permitted to provide trading services: –USA –Mauritius –Japan –Canada –Haiti –Iran –Suriname –The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea –Puerto Rico –The Occupied Area of Cyprus –Quebec –Iraq –Syria –Cuba –Belarus –Myanmar ...
Good Friday 15 April 2022 Easter Monday 18 April 2022 Early May 2 May 2022 Spring Bank Holiday 2 June 2022 Summer Bank Holiday 29 August 2022 Christmas Day (substitute day) 25 December (26 December 2022) Boxing Day (substitute day) 26 December (27 December 2022) When bank holidays fall on...
The toilet in each room was monitored every day prospectively for a week (Monday to Friday). There were 66, 33 and 44 test samples taken from wards 1, 2 and 3, respectively. For ward 2 there was a STAT holiday and samples were not taken on that day so there were 33 samples instead...
Last Tuesday Eurostat, the EU statistical service issued a Press release revealing that the GDP of Eurozone (EU19) and EU28 rose in the first quarter of this year by 1.7% and 1.8% respectively, compared with the same three-month period of 2015. On the yearly developments platform, there ...
A universal redux version of my Meteor attempt at Words with Friends (online scrabble). - words-with-strangers-redux/input_words.txt at master · joshwcomeau/words-with-strangers-redux
Several Canadian provinces also once had a Legislative Council, but these have all been abolished, the last being Quebec's Legislative council in 1968. In Germany, the last Senate of a State parliament, the Senate of Bavaria, was abolished in 1999. Senate membership can be determined either ...
But February’s hockey highs shared headlines with a low when some people – let’s not call them fans – racially taunted black forwardJonathan Diaby, a 2013Nashville Predatorsthird-round draft pick, and his family at a semi-professionalLigue Nord-Americaine de Hockeygame in Quebec. ...