Is damned a bad word? This is becauseDamn is considered a swear word in English, for historical and religious reasons (as SamBC mentioned earlier). When you want to say a swear word, but don't want to be offensive, people create "Minced Oaths". ...
It's lovely.- Damn straight.- And it's so big.- Well, it's a mansion, is what it is. 口语中常常听到“It is what it is”的说法。通常是带点无奈的说法,比如:That's all I got? Well...It is what it is.我就只有这些了吗?好吧……那就这样了。但是在这里,Rob和Beth夫妻俩刚刚来到豪...
It's lovely.- Damn straight.- And it's so big.- Well, it's a mansion, is what it is. 口语中常常听到“It is what it is”的说法。通常是带点无奈的说法,比如:That's all I got? Well...It is what it is.我就只有这些了吗?好吧……那就这样了。但是在这里,Rob和Beth夫妻俩刚刚来到豪...
STG - Swear to God. Looking for abbreviations of STG? It is Swear to God. Swear to God listed as STG
God, you make me sing Funny things about you You infect my mind All the time, you do --- ◆Those Crimson Tears Moving like a dancing bear It's in my blood Falling down the marble stairs It's in my blood Oh my dear, that's the way I am made, I'm afraid Those crimson tears...
God is still here so watch your fuckin' step. "So, this is it, huh. Great." Doug Moon's Quotes Off to be me plus-plus added inspire by witless sum but well, beneath me seek! Speak and spell, each titmaker: The very little of Books I've Read By You Oh, sure I read that...
改变我人生的陌生人 bad-boy musicians I like 基本是我喜欢的玩音乐的坏男孩 when it comes to life-changing strangers. 好了Okay. 我跟你说一声 Uh, just so you know, 我会走高冷风格 I am gonna play it cool here, 所以你别指望 so don't expect to get a phone call ...
GDIGod Damn Independent(slang for someone not living in dorms, housing, or Greek System) GDIGreen Design Institute GDIGod Damn It GDIGraphical Display Interface GDIGroupement de Défense Internationale(French: Global Defense Initiative) GDIGetting Data In ...
Looking down on the burial site is the huge statue of ANUBIS, the jackal-headed god of death. it stares at us. Then begins to DECAY before bur very eyes, aging 4.159 years in only seconds. And then we find ourselves and the decrepit, half-buried statue of Anubis out in the middle ...
GDI God Damn It GDI Graphical Display Interface GDI Groupement de Défense Internationale (French: Global Defense Initiative) GDI Getting Data In GDI Gonzaga Debate Institute (debate camp) GDI Gosh Darn It GDI Gosh-Darned Independent (polite form) GDI Generic Display Interface GDI General Delegation...