Glycerol (or Glycerin)is more dense than water (1.26 g/cc). One could argue that glass is a very slow-moving, viscous liquid (although it has lots of properties of a solid, like rigidity). It's more dense than water. Even saltwater is more dense than water. What is the API gravity...
In brief, 10 million cells were collected, washed with DPBS, and resuspended in 250 μl Buffer A (10 mM HEPES pH 7.9, 10 mM KCl, 1.5 mM MgCl2, 0.34 M sucrose, 10% glycerol and 1 mM DTT) supplemented with 0.1% TritonX-100. After incubation on ice for 10 min, ...
Less dense than water and miscible in water. Used as a octane booster in gasoline. Uses tert-Butyl methyl ether is a commonly used organic solvent that can be synthesized by acid catalyzed reaction between methanol and isobutene. It is an effective alternative to lead containing additives for ...
These compounds were three glycoglycerolipids, two monoglycerides, two terpenoids, zeaxanthin, one sterol, and one alkaloid, thus demonstrating the versatility of the method in the analysis of different compounds. NMR spectroscopy has the advantage that intensity, shape and position of signals in the...
Studies of water-foraging wasps also support the concept that Vespula are more endothermic than Polistes (Kovac et al., 2009). Supporting the generality of warm, large wasps, the sphecid wasp, Cerceris arenaria, had thoracic temperatures of about 35 °C regardless of air temperature when ...
Overall, we found more than three times as many differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in EC glia compared to DCN glia, of which 280 genes overlapped (Fig. 2C). Notably, more than half of App KI DEGs are also differentially expressed between regions in WT mice, suggesting that underlying di...
we subcultured them until axenic cultures were achieved on PDA and 2% malt extract agar (MEA) with 50 mg/mL chloramphenicol. Isolates were stored long-term on PDA slants at 4 °C and in 15% (v/v) glycerol at -80 °C. Finally, we pressed, dried, and vouchered the collected rust sp...
However, while OVMANA were more sensitive to PARGi than PARPi, the distinction was less clear-cut. These observations indicate that PARG inhibitors may open up new opportunities to treat ovarian cancers. However, a number of questions remained unanswered. Firstly, is the PARGi sensitivity ...
Serotype O111:B4 is more reactive to sMF6p/FhHDM-1 than O55:B5, although the interaction seems to be nonspecific because both LPSs reacted almost with the same intensity with a casein hydrolysate used as blocking agent (Fig. 7A). Moreover, we have observed that binding of LPS to sMF6p...
In sharp contrast, the ΔpnpA mutant bacteria were not embedded in a dense extracellular matrix, and cells were easily detected. The PNPase-complemented strain showed a biofilm phenotype more similar to the wild-type with a smooth surface and higher content of extracellular matrix than the Δ...