Cassette Beastsdoesn’tquitemake my top fivebecause, ironically, it’s got some pretty big technical problems on Switch, but I wanted to shout about how good it feels to play a monster-catching game that feels like it’s grown upwith me. My trip to New Wirral proved to be a le...
oml. Physical Scarf, Special Scarf, Specs, QD Fightium, QD Normalium, LO Physical, LO Special, AoA Fightium, and probably more (I saw someone use Icium Z QD because fuck Gengar I guess but it was one person so I doubt it's a common set). If you ne...
some of the worst things ash had done was get rid of his pokemon(the good ones) – lapras , charizard , butterfree ,haunter-gave it to sabrina -_- , primeape-he only had for a few episodes -_- -_-) and pidgeott – he left Straight after it evolved and became pretty powerfull-_...
What notably sets Marsh apart from other Ghosts, on the other hand, is its ability to take dark attacks neutrally and to also beat dark types handily, unlike Aegis/Gengar. Overall, an incredibly tool for adding offense to teams, and extremely good for rain, wh...
Gengar has 220 HP. Since Mega Gengar EX is a mega evolution, you’ll need a Gengar EX in your deck to play this. 7 Lysandre’s Trump Card (Phantom Forces) Download Article Reset the game with this powerful Trainer card. As soon as you play Lysandre’s Trump Card, you and your ...
Now Gengar, CM Rachi, MixRachi, prio-less MixApe, MixNite, MixGon, CBGyara and what have you can wreak havoc. Don't forget Latias has the option to slam shit too. This is a good thing. We WANT to be reducing the amount of matchup in the game. What would you prefer, stall ...