What is the IGCSE? IGCSE到底是怎样的课程? The IGCSE runs through Year 10 -11 and is based on the British national curriculum (GCSE) but adapted for a more internationally-focused student body. In IGCSE, students select anywhere...
英国中学文凭课程GCSE试题读题训练,先让学生试着读,有拿不准的学术词汇,看一下提示,最后再对照中文释义。家里有读国际学校或准备参加IGCSE考试学生的,可以每天抽一点时间,利用碎片化时间学习,查漏补缺。 1.Write these numbers in order of size. Start with the smallest. [2 marks] 2.y is directly proporti...
Head of Department and GCSE English Literature Examiner, I have sincerely noted that our students live by this mantra: “They don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care.”
Here’s my attempt at investigating operations with square roots (surds) when you’re not prescribed by a GCSE/IGCSE syllabus. This is only a general outline of the lessons we’ve had so far but it’d be great to hear how other people go about teaching surds. To start off, we hadn’...
positive and negative numbers and so much more, we also broke out the books. Here we were working on glaciation, following up on a visit to Scotland. Part from Mum’s head, part from YouTube, part from a GCSE UK curriculum book. This is how we roll, other worldschoolers wouldn’t ...
GCSE/IGCSE数学读题训练-19 英国中学文凭课程GCSE试题读题训练,先让学生试着读,有拿不准的学术词汇,看一下提示,最后再对照中文释义。家里有读国际学校或准备参加IGCSE考试学生的,可以每天抽一点时间,利用碎片化时间学习,查漏补缺。 1.Given that 1 – i is a root of the equation...