Molecular descriptors, namely molecular representations and fingerprints, can be defined as both quantitative and qualitative representations of molecules of interest, encompassing their structural makeup, connections, and physicochemical properties36. These descriptors play a crucial role in quantitative structu...
In this study, we evaluate the qualitative and quantitative differences among the intracellular metabolites of C. albicans biofilms grown only with culture medium and in the presence of a low DMSO concentration. We found that the DMSO altered 13 metabolic pathways involved in primary and secondary ...
Dietary assessment was performed through a qualitative and quantitative questionnaire that subjects had to fill out during the study period, which was analyzed by a nutritionist to determine dietary intake using software (Cronometer Software Inc., Additionally, subjects were in...
The violation of these rules by any drug or phytoconstituent will lead to disqualifying its oral bioavailability as a good drug. The gamma-sitosterol of T. indica demonstrated the worthiest toxicokinetics, ensuring its good oral bioavailability. Preclinical toxicity testing of GCMS compounds was ...
The variables included both qualitative (land usage (U) and soil permeability type (G)) and quantitative data (terrain declivity ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2018, 7, 278 7 of 22 ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2018, 7, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 22 (S) and depth to the groundwater level (Z...