I find it less like using a portable console and more like basically playing retro games during times where I'd normally be killing time mindlessly scrolling on my phone. This. I want something tiny that I can play SNES or Game Boy games rather than doom scroll. It's a QOL improvement!
I'm sure Nintendo feels really screwed by being the most successful gaming system of the past year and a half, and selling way more than expected even AFTER a global pandemic. After all, they're competing with upcoming gaming systems where half their exclusives and even non-exclusives are qu...
Not only is Nintendo the last of the console makers to keep its exclusives locked up, but it also doesn't just try to rely on the nostalgic weight each franchise carries. Nintendo is more than willing to take its biggest characters and try something completely new with them, like building ...
If you think all of that sounds great, there's still a lot more, too. Thanks to the development community, retro gamers are everywhere for the Nintendo 3DS. You can play DS games and GBA games natively, but you can alsoemulateNES, SNES, PlayStation 1 (on the new 3DS), and older c...
Sony's PlayStation 3, announced yesterday, is reportedly dozens of times more powerful than its predecessor, the PlayStation 2. However, Nintendo told the newspaper, "It's not all about having 'turbo power.' It's about what you do with it." What will it have to work with? Iwata ...
Even today, fans argue about which version of A Link to the Past is better or spend hours doing breakdowns of what the Final Fantasy GBA ports changed. All of these debates are because of changes made to the original game due to the porting process. Sony’s Foray into the Handheld Market...
Emerald: Best GBA Pokemon game if it wasn't for Mystery Dungeon, but I won't be talking about side games, despite how good they are. I have to say this one's actually better than ORAS for the sole reason that it has the Battle Frontier. Get with that, Nintendo... (although, of ...
Dark Deityis also a game in which the distinct classes really feel as though they matter. In this way, it can feel more like theFire Emblementries we played between the NES and GBA eras. Characters’ skills stick with them and define them. So while you can shift around when you promote...
When creating a sequel, Konami took more from the latter. Rather than knock down abilities and weaponry when injured, Simon Belmont can now collect items and upgrade weapons at shops, which will persist even after enough failures that a continue is needed. There are NPCs, towns, and other ...
Note that consoles haven't been mentioned. After the trade-in service for video games ends, GAME will continue to sell pre-owned stock until it runs out. That means that those in the UK will be more limited in where they can trade in their older games — CEX remains the most prevalent...