Downtime for Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 4 is scheduled to start at 2 AM ET on Friday, November 3. The date has already been confirmed, and it is displayed in-game
The new Fortnite update is incoming and the servers are down for maintenance – and we all know how well this can usually go. With a downtime of three to four hours expected all going well we have a little bit of chill time to see what will be new when the servers fire back up ...
We’re used to websites and apps going down, but it’s not often that the most popular game on the planet goes offline for an extended period of time. That’s exactly what happened on Wednesday, asFortnitewent down just after 1 PM ET. According to theEpic Games status page, the game...
Check if a website or app isdown for everyone or just you. Search If you can’t load or login toFacebookyou can check ifFacebook is down hereand we will tell you. This can be helpful to know if everyone is having the problem, or it's just you. ...
Whenever there is a new patch, new act, or new episode,VALORANTalways goes down for scheduled maintenance andusually comes back around 12pm CT. Most of the time these updates occur on a Tuesday. If the servers are not down for scheduled maintenance, and it’s an issue like server outages...
Fortnite Performance Update: The popular game Fortnite often experiences performance issues and bugs due to its frequent updates and vast user base. In response to a notable performance degradation in late 2020, the developers released a hotfix to improve game stability and responsiveness, allowing ...
Most blockchain-related gaming initiatives have had to do with NFTs. Because gamers are already familiar with the idea of collecting virtual items — Fortnite’s time-exclusive skins build on the concept of rarity, as does Pokémon’s whole gameplay — Web2 publishers saw NFTs...
Combine these two factors together, and you can see why keeping your cursor locked on the X axis while aiming can seriously help — especially when pre-aiming on a corner or flicking to your next enemy. Games that require more diagonal movement or smaller adjustments, likeFortniteor League of...
He spent about four nights a week playing Fortnitewith friends who had splintered off at graduation, which he says kept him from falling into full-bore loneliness and despair. “Video games sustained me through a very dark time,” he says. “Having the ability to play video games with ...
and I actuallygained 10Mbps on upload speedin Singapore. The connection itself happened within seconds and was stable. I also checked the connection for packet loss by running the VPN through multiple games like Apex Legends, Fortnite, and even GeForce NOW. I encounteredno packet loss, which ...