The cells were centrifuged at 850× g for 60 min and incubated at 37 ◦C and 5% CO2 for four days (U87), two days (U373 and T98), and three days (NCH421k) to form one spheroid in each well. These spheroids were treated with CBG (10, 25, and 50 µM)...
As described, neither arginine nor lysine are penalized when they are located close to the lipid headgroups [42]. In addition, serine and threonine exposed to the hydrophobic membrane interface can form hydrogen bonding with the helix backbone and are therefore not penalized [43]. SASA are ...
As seen in Figure 1A the expression of CDC2 consists of three bands, suggesting multiple phosphorylation isoforms. The two high molecular weight bands are more clearly visible in PAH cells but very faint in control donor cells (Figure 1A). The scatter plot in Figure 1A quantifies these top ...