Below we have prepared example sentences that showcase how to use “forget” in different contexts in the past tense, including: Simple past Present perfect Past continuous Past perfect Simple Past I forgot our wedding anniversary last year and my wife was furious He’s quite sure that his bos...
Verb Past tense Verb Past tense am/is was/wpz,waz/,let let/let//wa:z,waz/ lose lost /lɒst/,/lo are were/wɜ:(r)make made /meId/bring brought /brɔ:t meet met /met/buy bought/bo:t/pay paid/peId come came /keIm/put put/pot/cut cut/kAt rea d rea d /red/do/does...
drink drank drenk drive drove drauv eat ate eit feed fedfed feel felt/felt fight fought, fo:t find found/faund fly flew/flu:forget forgot/fa'gou, /fargat.get got/got', 'ga:t go wentwent grow grew gru:have/has had /hed, hed hear heard /hs:(r)d keep kept /kept fknow knew/...
The second form (past tense) is "forgot." Share Your Discovery Share via Social Media Embed This Content Embed Code Share Directly via Messenger Link Author Spotlight Written by Tayyaba Rehman Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to
Is forget past tense? The past tense of forget is forgot (archaic) or forgat (obsolete). The third-person singular simple present indicative form of forget is forgets. The present participle of forget is forgetting. The past participle of forget is forgotten or forgot (archaic). Will forget ...
Forget Everything, Let's Party. How do you use Forgot? Forgot is the past tense of forget. To forget is an act of not remembering something. It is a state when something gets missed from the mind. Forgot is used when the act of forgetting is addressed in the past....
Verb Past tense Verb Past tense be (am, is, are)was, were fly flew bear bore forget forgot beat beat get got become became give gave begin began go went blow blew grow grew break broke hang(悬挂)hung bring brought have (has)had build built hear heard burn burnt /burned hide hid ...
Verb Past tense am/is Verh Past tense was/wDz, woz/,let let /let//wa:z, waz/are lose were /w3:(r)/lost /lost/, /lo:bring brought/bro:U make made/meld/buy meet met/met/bought/b5:1/come pay paid /perd/came/keim/cut put put/put/cut/kAt/do/does read read /red/did/d...
What is the past perfect tense of forget? Forget: To forget is to lose the memory of something. It is not to remember something that was one engraved in your mind. In other instances, it can also be used to refer to a person's misbehavior (i.e., I forgot myself/lost a sense of...
It's like someone giving you a big glass of your favourite Kool-Aid, only they forgot to sweeten it. Or, worse, sweetened it with Splenda. White Day 2 - Oh, Minoto. Truly, you illustrate the wondrous yet vaguely disconcerting landscape of my dreams! Come, run away with me to a non...