Sanchez, Rene
Severe levels of food insecurity are currently increasing inall regionsof the world, and women are faring worse than men. Gender inequality worldwide intensifies the lack of access to food for women. Recognising that women’s food security cannot be separated from broader concerns of agency, polic...
BACKGROUND: Food insecurity is a growing worldwide concern, due to an imbalance between rapidly increasing demand for food and limited access to good quality foods. In our previous cross-sectional study, we found that food insecurity was associated with poor cognitive function, but...
in most of sub-Saharan African. That insecurity is made even more acute by the increasing scarcity and degradation of natural resources. Low soil fertility is a consistent problem faced by agriculturalists and herders. The dominant international thrust to increase food production has been t[...
Past evidence teaches us that poverty reduction on its own will not do the job of eradicating hunger, nor will only increasing food production. The jury is still out, but doomsday predictions are not necessarily justified.doi:10.1080/09512748.2014.968193Jose Cuesta...
The present analysis found that the interaction between food insecurity and place of birth was significantly associated with symptoms of anxiety and depression. Higher levels of food insecurity were associated, with increasing strength, with poor mental health in all analyses. However, the relationship ...
Women in households characterized by food insecurity with severe or moderate hunger over the past 30 d (as assessed by the Food Security Module) reported lower intakes of vegetables and fruit, and meat and alternatives than those in households with no hunger evident. Women were more likely to ...
There is no indication that increasing food skills or budgeting skills will reduce food insecurity. Instead, disadvantaged groups are constrained by their economic, material and social circumstances. For example, low income is the strongest predictor of food insecurity in Canada...
The unique layout will also make it possible to establish farms in urban areas, where land resources are limited and food insecurity is widespread. Plenty uses a range of technologies to realize its goal of more productive and Earth-friendly farming — including vertical plant towers, LED ...
The COVID-19 pandemic both raised public awareness about and contributed to the problem of household food insecurity. In 2020, 15% of U.S. households with children were classified as food insecure. However, less is known about how household food insecuri