Fluoride is a natural mineral found throughout the earth's crust and widely distributed in nature. Some foods and water supplies contain fluoride. Fluoride is often added to drinking water to help reduce tooth decay. In the 1930s, researchers found that people who grew up drinking naturally flu...
In the 1930s, researchers found that people who grew up drinking naturally fluoridated water had up to two-thirds fewer cavities than people living in areas without fluoridated water. Studies since then have repeatedly shown that when fluoride is added to a community's water supply, tooth decay...
Sodium fluoride Sodium fluorosilicate Fluorosilicic acid Fluorides are naturally occurring compounds, commonly found in soil, water and air samples around the world, but the levels of these substances are usually much lower than in fluoridated drinking water. Fluoride levels in rivers, lakes a...
The public-health measuregoes back nearly 80 yearswhen researchers noticed that people who lived in regions with naturally high-in-fluoride water had fluorosis but also far fewer cavities. In 1945, Grand Rapids, Michigan, became the first American community to add fluoride to its water supply. ...
and the gas also has some medical uses. Dentists usesodiumfluoride to help their patients establish strong, healthy teeth, and compounds of the gas are also used in anesthetics such as isoflurane. The element is also used in someantibiotics. In trace amounts for medical use, fluorine is combi...
is usually associated with naturally occurring fluoride, such as that found in well water. If you use well water and are uncertain about the mineral (especially fluoride) content, a water sample should be tested. Although tooth staining from fluorosis cannot be removed with normal hygiene, your ...
An anti-cavity toothpaste is one that contains fluoride. Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral found in plants, soil, sea water and more. It’s the 13th most abundant element on the Earth’s crust … and the#1 way to protect teeth enamel from decay and cavities. ...
Water, food and living organisms are exposed to inorganic fluorides and they are hydrogen fluoride (HF), calcium fluoride (CaF2), sodium fluoride (NaF), sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) and silicofluoride. Fluoride compounds are plentiful in the earth’s crust and naturally found in rocks, soils, ...
Fluoride is the major inorganic pollutant of natural origin found in groundwater. Fluoride in minute quantity is an essential component for normal mineralization of bones and formation of dental enamel. Since then considerable work has been done in different parts of India to explore the fluori...
Here’s what health experts are weighing as the public health practice of adding fluoride to America’s water supply comes under increased scrutiny. What is fluoride? Fluoride is found naturally in the environment in water and rocks, as well as in some foods. The mineral can also be a bypr...