Doctors repudiate claims that fluoride is dangerousEight medical organisations yesterday condemned new claims that fluoride added to water and toothpaste to prevent dental decay was harming the population's health.
As overexposure to fluoridated drinking water can contribute to a dangerous build up of fluoride in the bones (skeletal fluorosis), the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has developed a national drinking water standard. This permits no more than 4 mg/L of fluoride to be present i...
Compounds of the element have been used historically a flux agent, designed to make metal and slag more fluid during the smelting process. Fluorine is also a component in hydrofluoric acid, a compound used inetching, and the gas also has some medical uses. Dentists usesodiumfluoride to help t...
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Fluoride Is A Neurotoxin If you want to know the answer to the question,is fluoride bad for dogs?… there’s a 2014 research study published in one of the world’s most distinguished medical journals,The Lancet, that classifiedfluorideas adangerous neurotoxin(1). The same study placed fluorid...
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Previous Post:Boost Your Nutrition With These 6 Supplements to Heal Cavities Next Post:Fluoride and IQ: Does prenatal exposure to fluoride lower IQ? Dr. Mark is the author of the best-selling book8-Hour Sleep Paradox BUY ON AMAZON
Those who claim D.I. water is dangerous are not all water experts, nor does the other side lack water experts and people with specific medical experience in this. It is dangerous to drinkANYindustrial water because it is not protected by backflow preventers, will have no germ-killing chlorin...
RO makes the water safe for consumption.Water purifier ROcan help in removing 99% of chemicals that are present in the water so that you don't bear the taste and smell of chlorine. It also helps in removing lead, mercury, chlorine, fluoride and asbestos which in turn reduces the risk of...