Is the Fluoride in Our Water Really Good for Our Teeth?
Is Fluoride in the Water Really Safe? Good Health
Here is what you need to know about fluoridation of drinking water as a public health measure and recent developments surrounding the issue. WHAT IS FLUORIDE AND WHAT ARE ITS BENEFITS? Fluoride is a mineral that occurs naturally in water, soil and air that has been demons...
unless the product is specifically labeled as a fluoride rinse. Fluoride can also be found in concentrated gels and foams that dentists paint on teeth during cleanings. Then, of course, there’s the fluoride in water: Almost all water naturally contains a little fluoride...
supplements or swallowing fluoride toothpaste when the water they drink is already fluoridated. Streaks, spots or pits may develop on the surfaces of the teeth once they come up above the gums. In severe cases, the enamel can develop brown, black or grey spots and the teeth can become ...
Fluoride is found in all plants, fruits and vegetables, but it is not an essential nutrient.Plants grow just fine without it. Fluoride in Soil and Plants Fluoride is absorbed by plants through the stomata as they take in air and through roots when they absorb water, but itis not very mobi...
Check out our other newsletters To prevent severe dental fluorosis, the EPA requires public water systems to warn community members when their water sources exceed a fluoride level of two milligrams per liter (2 mg/L). That is around three times higher than the 0.7 mg/L concentration recommende...
The addition of low levels of fluoride to drinking water has long been considered one of the greatest public health achievements of the last century. Close-up of a fluoride pipe at the Davis Water Treatment Plant, Austin, Texas, November 18, 2009. Visible in the backgound are fluosilicic ac...
Adding fluoride in water is a common practice in many countries, including the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. The goal is to reduce tooth decay. But does it help? And are there any dangers you should be concerned about? Introduction and Editor’s Notes by Ocean Robbins ...
Dr. Kelly Brogan explores "Our Daily Dose", a short film about the dangers of our fluoridated water supply, and shares the science behind this neurotoxin.