At the age of 4, he was bitten bythe foul werewolf Fenrir Greyback when his father-Lyall Lupin- insulted all werewolves. Fenrir tried to kill him but Remus got saved by his father. ... He had a tunnel built so that Lupin could sneak out of the school during the times when he becam...
When James and Sirius toe high gas Ang from walking in front of people, he was just smiling at your back; when Snape "accidentally" leaked the secret that he is a werewolf, he just packed up and calm manner; the Fenrir Gray Burke to bite for fun, he firmly stood in the camp of th...
4,Greyback Turned Remus Into A Werewolf For Revenge It was stated that Fenrir Greyback had been the one to turn Remus Lupin into a werewolf andPottermore expandedupon this premise. It turns out that Remus’ father was an employee in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical ...