I agree that dice is the plural of die, but this is one of those things native speakers get wrong; we often say "dice" even when there's only one.|@Morningtime DICE is the plural of DIE|die is the singular form indeed
Reports that merger and acquisitions is expected to remain slow during the second half of 2002.EBSCO_AspLifelong Learning Market Report
Peter. “Oh, that’s God,” came the reply, “but sometimes he thinks he’s a doctor.” If you are part of the group which you are addressing, you will be in a position to know the experiences and problems which are common to all of you and it’ll be ...
//@吊燈星星星:就很恶心,未成年人随便偷,偷完了抓到也就放了,钱也不赔,什么垃圾小畜生保护法//@Cat_mie: 可怜的猫猫吓坏了吧//@夜月白_://@全球时尚四喜://@果冰多吃深绿色蔬菜:真的采访猫!!! @1818黄金眼 【#被蟊贼劫走的猫回来很怕生# 同行店铺今晨被偷第二次】9月9号凌晨,余杭星桥有三家手...
米兰时间2023年9月22日下午14时,中国男装品牌七匹狼第五次亮相米兰时装周,带来全新尖刀产品——超跑双面夹克的全球首秀。 此次大秀引起时尚界的广泛关注,聚集了百位重量级嘉宾,世界各地头部媒体、顶流明星、时尚主编及博主共聚秀场,更有意大利当地官员及领事出席观秀,共同见证中国时装在国际舞台上的重要时刻,展示中国品牌...
Byline: Reg BirchfieldThe world faces a serious leadership crisis in both the corporate and political worlds. Incompetency is not the issue. Rather, it is that those at the top of the organisational feeding chain are too often morally bankrupt.Greedy and unprincipled corporate governance may have...
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