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The scholarship application process is similar to the college application process: forms to be completed, test scores and transcripts to be sent, essays to be written and often interviews to be prepared for. A few great places to start looking for scholarships are:, www.finaid...
Finding scholarships Explore university websites, as many US institutions offer scholarships to international students. Make use of search engines like Fastweb or for comprehensive scholarship searches. Scholarships can be competitive due to high demand. However, a large number of opportuni...
MelissaKornisareporteratTheWallStreetJournal.HavinggraduatedfromtheGraduateSchoolofJournalisminColumbiaUniversity,shebecameacopyeditorandreporteratDowJonesNewswiresfrom2006to2011,andstartedtoworkforTheWall StreetJournalfrom2011,coveringhighereducation,witha particularfocusonbusinessschools.Hercoverageareasincludeadmissions,...