Documentary on Netflix about the Woodstock 99 riot. Lots of semi-misinformation. The creators had an agenda. Who Shat on the Floor at my Wedding Cute conceit but they ran out of ideas very early on. July Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality ...
A short documentary that follows the challenges of attempting to feed 2,200 people in the Sydney Opera House audience of TEDxSydney 2013 using only home grown & locally grown food. Produced... Video Chat With Danny Kennedy After his amazing Talk on the TEDxSydney 2013 main stage, Danny Kenne...
I took the liberty of watching the Paris Hilton documentary so that you don’t have to. Don’t say I never gave you anything. The doc was created to reveal that Paris had a trauma early on in her life that basically shaped everything and how she presented herself to the world. She ...
【预告】Netflix发布#女子监狱#(Orange is the New Black)先导预告,第六季定档7月27日!
The Warden and I had watched college football all day because she just loves football OR she’s a tiny baby who can’t make decisions for herself on account of her not even being able to rollover, much less walk to another room to go watch a murder documentary (the second one. It’s...
she’s conspiring with her Little Drummer costar Alexander Skarsgård (coincidentally, she had breakfast with him the same morning as our weaving exploits and dinner) to make a film that he will direct called The Pack, about a documentary film crew attempting to save a species of wolves from...
“bleating fart” right at the moment he handed the attendant his payment. Approaching the booth, his mind juggled all the moving pieces of this fandangled plan, and instead of stepping on the brake to slow his roll and unleash the cushion, he stepped on the accelerator, lurched forward,...
Maybe you should attend a seminar or watch a Netflix Documentary about what the meaning of what “Tongue and Cheek” means and pertains to. This article is the farthest thing from Tongue and Cheek, and it all seems like you had a bad shopping experience at CBSC one time, and instead of...
this september, hbo will air the documentary jane fonda in five acts, directed by susan lacy, whichpremiered at sundance in january. “i think it’s pretty damn powerful,” fonda says. video: jane fonda is “made of metal” and why she came back to acting and, with all that, she ...
The Kidd here While it's been cool to see Robert Rodriguez develop the MACHETE series from a fake trailer made for GRINDHOUSE, the one I've really been hoping to see become something is Eli Roth's THANKSGIVING. There's been plenty of talk...