Back 4 Blood | PS4, PS5 Join the war against the Ridden in a thrilling co-op first-person shooter from the creators of Left 4 Dead. With humanity’s extinction on the line, it’s up to you and your friends to take the fight to the ...
Far Cry 6 director finally reveals in a recent Reddit AMA whether this latest installment would feature co-op in any form or not.
Arkane Studios | 2023 | Co-op, Far Cry but vampires It was hard to accept that Arkane's next project is a co-op vampire shooter instead of, y'know, Dishonored 3, but considering Deathloop was a decent FPS with some really cool guns, I've decided to be on board with Redfall. Despit...
I watched as the sun went down it moved so far North while moving down that I had to reset my position behind stationary trees 3-4 times. Also I sketched what I believe God lead me to draw the path of the sun & moon on a flat bowl shaped convex earth. Continue article to see Sun...
Now theTrump 2.0 Administration is closing the border and plans to deport, as necessary, millions of illegal immigrants. This, of course, has produced reaction: some54% of Americans support mass deportation, while others, Democrats, Progressives, social justice advocates, cry fascism and say Trump...
Far Cry New Dawn Metro Exodus The Division 2 Not too bad considering... That's really not bad at all considering they are all pretty newish releases. It annoys me looking over my trophy list on PS4 because I have some games I got a couple of trophies for and quit, there's so...
Happy holidays! I'm so used to seeing Ubisoft shoot itself in the face that I almost forget they once had this rather compelling run of great games! Ghost recon, rainbow six, Splinter Cell, Rayman, AC, Far Cry... I mean, there was a time when they w
His campaign released a video this morning about the trial that repeats a familiar rallying cry from Trump's rallies: “They want to silence me because I will never let them silence you, and I am the only one that can save this nation because they're not coming after me, they're ...
Alex Conant, a Republican strategist and partner at Firehouse Strategies who was an adviser to Sen. Marco Rubio’s 2016 presidential campaign, noted that Biden’s name barely came up. “I’m a little surprised that so far the debate is mostly about Trump,” said Conant. “Walz pivots t...
Arkane Studios | 2023 | Co-op, Far Cry but vampires It was hard to accept that Arkane's next project is a co-op vampire shooter instead of, y'know, Dishonored 3, but considering Deathloop was a decent FPS with some really cool guns, I've decided to be on board with Redfall. Despit...