植物光合作用固定的CO2与呼吸作用释放的CO2相等时的光照强度称为光补偿点.光照强度增加到某一点时,再增加光照强度,光合强度也不增加,该点的光照强度称为光饱和点.a~d4种植物的单个植株在自然CO2浓度及最适温度下的光补偿点和光饱和点如表所示. 植物种类 光补偿点(klx) 光饱和点(klx) a 1~2 30~80 b ...
either. In the small hours(凌晨)of the third day, Zhuge Liang invited Lu Su for a boat ride. The 20 boats were tied together with strong ropes. Zhuge'sfleetwent towards the camp of Cao Cao. The surface of the river was co...
Six phosphate starvation-induced genes (PSIs) were less induced by −Pi in osarf16 and these trends were similar to a knockdown mutant of OsPHR2 or AtPHR1, which was a key regulator under −Pi. These data first reveal the biological function of OsARF16, provide novel evidence of a ...
05:30 01:17 02:02 01:17 主动弹初体验 21702024-3-2 02:02 00:23 00:25 09:34 2262024-1-8 00:58 1.4万2023-9-27 00:41 2822023-9-26 05:28 3492023-9-9 01:21 10612023-9-6 06:51 00:31 04:11 00:42 00:43 00:39 00:45 ...
The aim of this final thesis is to describe a service card project performed for Youth Department of the City of Helsinki. The purpose of the project was to de- velop the networking and co-operation of different organizations doing preven- tive work among young people between the ages of 10...
f16最强版本 F-16V F-16系列战机的最强版本及其性能特点可以总结如下: F-16系列战机的最强版本 F-16V*是F-16系列战机的最强版本。这款战机由美国洛克希德·马丁公司推出,旨在通过深度改进使F-16达到三代半战机的水平。F-16V在航电、火控、雷达和武器系统等方面进行了重大升级,综合作战能力显著提...
Štai bendra "Word" laiškų suliejimo iš „Access“ kūrimo procedūra: Atidarykite „Access“ duomenų bazę, kurioje yra adresai, kuriuos norite sulieti su "Word". Jei naršymo sritis neatidarytas, paspauskite F11, kad ją atidar...
This theory would be advantageous in its neuroscience application in at least four main categories: (1) It can help to understand better the person's cognitive-complexity constraints or limitations (within and across domains), because mental-attention is a general resource measurable across domains ...
OsARF16 ARF TF Rice Mutation, roots, and leaves of Pi-replete plants PHT1s↓, transcriptional Decreased RH length under −P NA Shen et al., 2013 miR399PHO2 microRNAUbiquitin E2 conjugase Arabidopsis (conserved in rice) miR399 Ox: shoots of Pi-replete plants; PHO2 mutation: shoots of ...
Am j physiol Renal physiol 2005; 288: F16–F26. 25. Kajihara I, Jinnin M, Makino T, Masuguchi S, Sakai K, Fukushima S et al. Overexpression of hepatocyte growth factor receptor in scleroderma dermal fibroblasts is caused by autocrine transforming growth factor beta signaling. Biosci trends ...