0339 A possible role for the circadian system in aggression in dementia Growing evidence suggest a bidirectional relationship between circadian and sleep regulation, and the pathology and progression of dementia. Behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) are very prevalent, and lead to ...
Somatic Symptom Disorder Somatoform Disorders Stress Tourette’s Trichotillomania Editor -Megan Hull Megan Hull is a content specialist who edits, writes and ideates content to help people find recovery.Read more Medical Disclaimer The Recovery Village aims to improve the quality of life for people...
The body's normal temperature is usually defined as around 98.6 F. But the reality is that a "normal" body temperature can fall within a wide range, from 97 F to 99 F. This number changes due to your hormones, activity levels, sleeping and waking up, and other things that happen in ...
Sleep disorders (SDs) are a symptom of the prodromal phase of neurodegenerative disorders that are mechanistically linked to the protein α-synuclein (α-syn) including Parkinson’s disease (PD). SDs during the prodromal phase could result from neurodegeneration induced in state-controlling neurons by...
Is Aggression a Common Symptom of Dementia?doi:10.1016/j.jamda.2008.05.004LadislavVolicerSDOSJournal of the American Medical Directors AssociationVolicer L. Is aggression a common symptom of dementia? J Am Med Dir Assoc 2008;9:532.
Sleeping late on weekends The circadian rhythm’s master clock is located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus, or SCN, in the hypothalamus of the brain. The SCN functions as the brain’s pacemaker, and controls sleep and waking, neuroendocrine function, the autonomic nervous system, and many other cr...
Unlike Alzheimer’s disease, memory loss isn’t the typical first symptom. Instead, people with vascular dementia can have different signs, depending on the area of the brain that’s affected, such as problems with planning or judgment. The FDA hasn’t approved any drugs to treat this type ...
Which of the following is a potential side effect of benzodiazepines? a. tardive dyskinesia b. reduced sexual desire c. psychological dependence d. difficulty sleeping Excessive or unrealistic fearfulness and worry are characteristic of: a. anxiety disorders b. amne...
WholeHealth Chicago for “wellness” is not just “longevity” but “longevity plus ‘brains/wit/wisdom’” a la Betty White, Norman Lear, George Burns, late Chicago actor Mike Nussbaum. So let’s talk “brain” and say you’re in one of these four situations: 1. There’s dementia [...
Memory loss may not always be the first warning sign that dementia is brewing -- changes in behavior or personality might be an early clue. Researchers on Sunday outlined a syndrome called "mild behavioral impairment" that may be a harbinger ofAlzheimer'sor other dementias, and proposed a check...