Scrabble Word Finder/ Words that start with D/ Definition of detected Is detected a Scrabble word? Yes,detectedis a Scrabble word! ...and is worth12points in Scrabble, and13points in Words with Friends Detected is a valid Scrabble word. ...
Exacted is a valid Scrabble word. Exacted is a word starting with e ending with d. Check our list of words starting with e ending with d. Table of Contents Definitions of exacted Words that can be made with the letters in exactedDictionary...
Identify is a valid Scrabble word. Identify is a word starting with i ending with y. Check our list ofwords starting with i ending with y. Dictionary definitions of the word identify The meaning of identify identify 6 definitions of the word identify. ...
Declare is a valid Scrabble word. Declare is a word starting with d ending with e. Check our list ofwords starting with d ending with e. Dictionary definitions of the word declare The meaning of declare declare 8 definitions of the word declare. ...
is a valid scrabble word 3 short excerpts index n. An alphabetical listing of items and their location. index n. The index finger; the forefinger. index n. A movable finger on a gauge, scale, etc. 16 valid words from 3 definitions ...
Yes, ensure is in the scrabble dictionary.Is Zed a word on scrabble?Yes, zed is in the scrabble dictionary.What can I spell with Ensure?Words that can be made with ensureensue. enure. ernes. nurse. reuse. runes. sneer.Is Iam a valid scrabble word?No, im is not in the scrabble dict...
Is UK word valid in scrabble? No,uk is not in the scrabble dictionary. What is scut? scut noun [C] (TAIL) the tail of a deer, rabbit, or hare: The rabbit's white scut disappeared into the tall weeds. More examples. What is scut duty?
Subscribe for Scrabble Tips & Word Game News!Cite This Article Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. MLA CHICAGO APA Copy “Cakier is a Scrabble word?- .” The Word Finder. 27 Feb. 2025, .The...
Is CO A Scrabble Word Quick Answer: Yes, “co” is a valid Scrabble word. Meaning: “Co” is a prefix that means “together” or “jointly.” Pronunciation: It is pronounced as “koh.” Example in a sentence: “The project was completed through co-operation between various departments.”...
Quota is a valid Scrabble word. Quota is a word starting with q ending with a. Check our list of words starting with q ending with a. Table of Contents Definitions of quota Words that can be made with the letters in quota Words that can be created with an extra letter added to quota...