Es is a valid Scrabble word. Dictionary definitions of the word es The meaning of es es 6 definitions of the word es. Noun A radioactive transuranic element produced by bombarding plutonium with neutrons A fat-soluble vitamin that is essential for normal reproduction; an important antioxidant tha...
Easy is a valid Scrabble word. Easy is a word starting with e ending with y. Check our list of words starting with e ending with y. Table of Contents Definitions of easy Words that can be made with the letters in easy Anagrams of easy Words that can be created with an extra letter ...
Be is a valid Scrabble word. Dictionary definitions of the word be The meaning of be be 14 definitions of the word be. Verb Have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun) Be identical to; be someone or something ...
Yes,sayis a Scrabble word! ...and is worth6points in Scrabble, and5points in Words with Friends Say is a valid Scrabble word. Say is a word starting with s ending with y. Check our list ofwords starting with s ending with y. ...
Is Dina a scrabble word? Word Unscrambler Dinais not a valid Scrabble word. What are eagers? adjective. ea·ger | \ ˈē-gər \ Essential Meaning of eager. :very excited and interested an eagerstudent eager enthusiasm/anticipation : feeling a strong and impatient desire to do someth...
Subscribe for Scrabble Tips & Word Game News!Cite This Article Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. MLA CHICAGO APA Copy “Care is a Scrabble word?- .” The Word Finder. 1 Mar. 2025, .The...
Play with the word index, 3 definitions, 1 anagram, 3 prefixes, 16 suffixes, 4 words-in-word, 1 cousin, 1 anagram+one... INDEX scores 13 points in scrabble.
Check if ET is a valid Scrabble word. Boost your gameplay with its definition, prefixes, suffixes and anagrams. Get ET meaning and cool word tricks.
Is GLEY a scrabble word? Yes, gley is in the scrabble dictionary. Is Riley a scrabble word? Yes, riley is in the scrabble dictionary. How do you spell Leys? Ley meaning The definition of a ley is an area of open land used as a temporary pasture for animals. An example of ley is ...
Is ZEE A Scrabble Word Quick Answer: Yes, “zee” is a valid Scrabble word. Meaning: “Zee” is an informal and dialectal variation of the letter “Z” used in some English-speaking regions to represent the letter “Z.” Pronunciation: ...