Not bleeding or only spotting can be more common if you’re using a method with a higher dose of estrogen (ethinylestradiol) or with a shorter (4 or fewer days) hormone-free interval. A shorter hormone-free interval limits the time without hormones, which can reduce withdrawal bleeding. (...
Vaginal estradiol preparations, such as Vagifem® (Novo Nordisk, Bagsvaerd, Denmark), have been used successfully in the management of these patients and are regarded as having a minimal effect on systemic estrogen levels. In a recent paper, Kendall et al. present the first evidence that the...
The most“important” estrogen,estradiol, is actually synthesized from testosterone by an enzyme calledaromatase(1,2). Androgens also appear to impact the function of the endometrium (the lining of the uterus), and may play a role in helping prepare it to support a potential pregnancy (8). T...
I believe the reason for this was because my cancer was estrogen and progesterone receptor positive so I immediately went off of my bio identical hormones which I had been taking for 20 years. That made my cancer regress and go away completely. Now, I made the mistake of missing my yearly...
“We know that estrogen improves blood flow to the urogenital tract. It’s not just the vagina, it’s everything surrounding the vagina. Skin all over our body gets thinner, but there are many estrogen receptors on the skin of the vulva. It’s prone to itching and tearing, and the ...
This study found that soy stimulated the growth of estrogen-dependent tumors found in breast cancer. And this one found the same thing.This study found that,“…this pilot study indicates that prolonged consumption of soy protein isolate has a stimulatory effect on the premenopausal female breast,...
Serum 2㎝ethoxyestradiol, an Estrogen Metabolite, is Positively Associated with Serum HDL〤 in a Population〣ased SampleHDLLipoprotein metabolismMass spectrometryAtherosclerosisCoronary artery diseaseHMG〤oA reductasedoi:10.1007/s11745-011-3600-yMasi, Christopher M...
Not all birth control pills treat acne. Currently, the FDA has approvedthree pills— Yaz®, Estrostep® and Ortho Tri-Cycle®n — as acne medications. These are combination pills, meaning they contain ethinyl estradiol (a type of estrogen) and a progestin hormone. ...
Answer and Explanation: The correct solution to this problem is provided byoption A: estrus. The term libido refers to a person's sexual drives. Menstruation is a process...
When I was pregnant, I was concerned about eating soy products. I love edamame, which is the soy bean in the pod. But, eating too much soy can alter your estrogen levels. I figured the last thing I needed was more estrogen while I was pregnant!