Take Epsom Salt Baths with Essential Oils:Epsom salt baths can provide magnesium into the blood stream that acts to relax the body. Adding in essential oils such as valerian, kava, chamomile, lavender, lemon balm and passionflower can be extremely supportive for healthy GABA levels. Deep Breathi...
It is a toxic substance and is known to kill roaches so I’ve been excluding this from my recipe and just doubling up on the washing soda. As I read each package of the soda and borax, it seems to do the same thing so not sure why both is called for the recipe. But because of ...
3 weeks ago I lost my Turbo Snail. 2 weeks ago I lost my Longnose Hawk. None of the animals had any signs of disease. They all ate fine and were active until the day before they died. The day before they were lurking near the bottom of the tank but NOT breathing heavy. one week...
have any rotting, necrotic tissue confined to the safety of a quarantine system than introduced into a display tank where an influx of nutrients and toxic metabolites from the decay could foster nuisance algae at best, or perhaps foster bacterial infections among other susceptible display animals. ...
It has been proposed that unhealthy diet and toxic substance exposure may be significant factors in the recent increased prevalence of ASD [10–13]. We have previously argued that key nutritional imbalances, aggravated by environmental toxins, lead to an inadequate supply of sulfate to the blood ...