We were advised to get two. We went and picked out Elsa our first kitten. She loved being held…at first, but after the first few weeks, the girls began to understand Elsa’s moods and vice versa. A month later we went a adopted Anna. (yes, we like Frozen and yes our cats are ...
A universal redux version of my Meteor attempt at Words with Friends (online scrabble). - words-with-strangers-redux/input_words.txt at master · joshwcomeau/words-with-strangers-redux
Elsa O’Donoghue. It was Wednesday, pension day for many Wirralong locals, and with the autumn weather being kind for once, the salon had experienced an influx of customers that morning. They’d cleared out now, bustling off to the lawn bowls club where Marnie Duffy was ...
I thought of my mother’s jewels, since this was a day of sparkling things, but they might not be strong on a dull day, and Constance would be angry if I took them out of the box where they belonged, when she herself had decided against it. I thought of books, which are always s...
The Zebra Affaire is an acclaimed historical fiction novel by Mark Fine set in 1976 Apartheid South Africa. It tells the courageous, forbidden love story of Stanwell Marunda, a descendent of the Zulu, and Elsa, the daughter of a white farmer, under an intolerant, racist regime. ...
Dear Lisi: My four-year-old daughter is celebrating her birthday with a Frozen-themed party. I have gone to great lengths to find anything and everything Elsa, Olaf and Arendelle related. Yesterday, while walking down the street, I saw a woman carrying two kids’ shovels with...
Released on Thanksgiving, Disney's "Frozen" captured hearts with its sweeping snowy landscapes and Elsa's ballad "Let It Go." The film's popularity quickly carried over into the Christmas season, but its late release gave it staying power. A year after its release, forecasters projected that...
Stuck on what colour theme to choose? Then take this little quiz and see if it helps decide what colour is best for your big day! Share Embed What "Frozen" Character Are You? Are you more Elsa, Anna, or... Olaf? Take this fun quiz to find out which character from the hit ...
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This three person, two act play centers on Miss Helen’s future. Her young friend Elsa (Carla Gugino) has arrived unexpectedly out of concern for Miss Helen. Elsa, a British South African, has traveled 800 miles (to the middle of nowhere) to connect with her dear friend. The third chara...