gaining a cinematic level of notoriety for his dramatic prison escapes beforehis extradition to the U.S. in 2017. Now his sons, known as “Los Chapitos,” are locked in a deadly power struggle with another faction of the cartel, leaving...
Coronel, a former beauty queen, was released from prison last year after completing her three-year sentence for drug trafficking and money laundering in relation to her husband’s drug empire. Coronel declined to be interviewed. “A small waist and beautifu...
Because of the people that call prison home and the need to keep them out of the general public, all prisons must have extremely high security. However, you also hear about people breaking out of prisons from time to time. Let's not forget that notorious drug kingpin El Chapo escaped twic...
Eames YatesAmanda Macias
Of course, prison is not an environment anyone would want to willfully be in, but modern technology allows us to get pretty up close and personal with some of these places behind the comfort of our keyboards. Get up close with 19 of Colorado's prisons: ...