Easter is based on the lunar cycles of the Jewish calendar. In the Christian religion, the Last Supper (the final meal Jesus shared with his apostles before his crucifixion) was a Passover feast. Because Easter is based on a lunar month (which is 29.5 days), the date of Easter can vary...
Easter Printable Scripture Art & Gift Cards These inspirational Easter scriptures are sure to bless your Easter holiday. Use the cards and gift tags and remind someone what makes this time of year so special. I felt so inspired by the scriptures and these words are among my favorites-so I’...
Scriptures tell us how God loves to do surprising things like turning water into wine, calming storms, feeding 5,000 with five loaves and two fish. I trust that our Triune God can use this congregation in surprising ways as well. May it be so, thanks be to God, Amen. Grace and peace...
Between Ash Wednesday and Easter, many Christians observe a 40-day period known as Lent. This name comes from the “Old Englishlenctenspringtime, spring” and “from West Germaniclangitinazlong-daysorlengthening of the day.” Popularly regarded as a fasting period, there are many ways to mak...
Q—There are certain people who say that the seal will be something overt(undisguised), people will be aware of what it is and they will voluntarily say yes to this seal, because a secret seal unknown to people wouldn’t be the true seal mentioned in our scriptures??—My second question...
A good reminder that reading the Scriptures well consists of defining wordsanddiscerning how those words are being used in a given context, especially when we’re talking about God and his works: Some things mentioned in the Bible are not factual; some factual things are not mentioned; some ...
The Child Mentioned in Revelation 12 who I thought was already birthed is birthed this day- Hallelujah. Who is the woman? The 144 the intercessor prayer warriors of God who pray diligently. They used to pray for souls to be delivered from the clutches of hell. In this age they pray for...
Confusion or Consistency—As mentioned before, born again believers should desire to be clear and consistent in all we say and do, both for our own growth and the spiritual growth of our children.Being consistent in our daily walk with Jesus not only involves the things we do, but also the...
In addition to Ash Wednesday, as mentioned above as the start of lent, the majority of key dates of Lent come during the week leading up to Easter Sunday which is called Holy Week orPassion Week. Holy Week begins withPalm Sundayand the arrival of Jesus in Jerusalem. ...
WHAT!? Apart from being very unhelpful just to say “there may be something wrong with your daughter” and not to mention that this is the first anyone has mentioned about Olivia having a problem, where’s the help!? Where’s the advice for her parents to help her!?