George was confident he could lead the Badgers to victory, just as he did in their previous games against the Lions. And he played really hard. As the game neared its end, George had already scored 23 points. Another basket would break...
We were driving along the river when the car ran out of petrol. 我们正沿着河行驶,突然汽车的汽油耗尽了。 过去完成时 A thief who broke into a church was caught because traces of wax, found on his clothes, had come from the sort of the candles used only in churches. 一名闯入教堂的窃贼被...
The lack of snow this winter in southern Quebec and Ontario is part of a pattern in recent years, but this year has been particularly rough, according to Natalie Knowles. She's a PhD candidate in climate science at the University of Waterl...
“When will our country have a space-woman?” She thought to6(she). Wang was a fighter pilot. Because of her excellent performance, in 2010, she7(choose)to train as an astronaut by the government. After lots of hard training, the woman8(final)realized her space dream in 2013. ...
Nobody likes driving in a blizzard, including autonomous vehicles. To make self-driving cars safer on snowy roads, engineers look at the problem from the car's point of view.
C It is hard to see snow in desert, 1 in the Sahara. It is one of 2 places on the Earth. 3on January 8th,2018, it snowed in Ain Sefra, the gateway(门户) to the Sahara. It was really strange.Ain Sefr a is a small town. Because the air in the desert is so 4 and hot,...
When I listened to music, [D] it made my spirits fly like a kite in the wind. [C] Music gave me strength and brought me relief. [E] It was the rock I learnt on to become strong and to get through those hard times. Moreover, [C] music gave me hope and a sense of ...
I.语法选择。It is hard to see snow in desert, especially(特别是) in the Sahara. It is one of
If you were to throw, say, a banana peel out of your car while driving along the motorway, that would be a completely harmless action, due to the fact that it’s part of a fruit — right? Absolutely no. A banana peel3.take up two years to break down. An orange peel and a cigar...
游戏介绍 「雪人难堆-A Good Snowman Is Hard To Build」,也叫作「怪物堆雪人」。游戏的玩法类似推箱子,玩家需要将超过 3 个不同大小的雪球堆积成一个雪人。游戏中你需要用大雪球来当雪人的底部,中等的来当雪人上半身,最小的当头部。整个游戏是在格子状的花园里进行的。你可以将雪人在两个方块去任意推动...